Oh and did I mention the cost for the root canal? Over $2000 which I had to finance because I am just at the starting point in beginning to pay off debts. So that was a setback. And I'm still in pain because the molar still needs to be cut out. I have no idea how much a tooth extraction will cost but will call the referral on Monday and find out.
Thursday I was in such a bad mood. It seemed as if the world was crashing in on me! I know that was an overreaction but a toothache will do that to a person. After the root canal, I was able to get some stronger pain pills and antibiotics, which are both beginning to work. And I am getting my fight back.
My fight is for joy and living as a child of God- not as one who has no hope. I am using time spent at bus stops/riding the bus (about an hour a day) singing hymns, praying, and memorizing Scripture. I am working on Romans 8. I tried and failed to memorize this with my church during a sermon series last year. But I am having some success this time around (working on verses 11-15). But it is a fight- a struggle. My natural tendency is to give in to depression and surrender to despondency. By preaching the gospel to myself even while in tooth pain at a very cold bus stop I declare the truth- that I am a child of God- dearly loved by God- He knows my needs and is using these trying times to develop character and endurance in me!
Are you going through difficult circumstances of life? How are you clinging to hope- and the source of Hope-Jesus Christ?
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I will pray for your complete health. Remember, God tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 that he has "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future!
I'm not. I'm miserable. [I'm working on being honest with people, but sometimes, it hurts me in the long run.]
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