Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year- New You! The Problem of New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year!

Have you made your New Years Resolutions yet?  I have a number of them!  Sadly, many are the same ones I made last year.  This year, I am going to try something new. 

Sometimes when we look at a problem we see the big journey but overlook all the little daily steps we need to take to make that trip successfully.

This year I have typed up my resolutions into daily progress questions.  I've taped this onto cardboard so I hope it will last and I plan on checking myself daily (and throughout the day).

For example, one goal is to read the Scripture daily.  So my daily progress question is "Did I read the 10 lists (my Bible reading program) today?"  For saving money- "Did I earn/set aside extra money this week for savings?  Am I trying?"

Am I resisting temptation?  Am I bringing this to God daily?  How am I loving people today?  What progress did make on my book of the week?

I have 10 questions about my goals- from exercise, the SNAP challenge, blogging, etc.

I hope this will break the long journey into more manageable daily steps.  And hopefully, this will be more successful than last year.

Do you have any New Years resolutions for 2014?  How do you plan on accomplishing these goals? 

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