As the United States is recovering (cross your fingers!) from record cold and snowfall, millions in Eastern Europe are still suffering the effects of cold and poverty. Chisinau, Moldova has a forecast tomorrow of 21 F with snow! I don’t envy them.
However, along with the bitter cold of winter, there is always the promise of spring. April showers bring May flowers and Spring is also the time for planting crops. Many families in Moldova, Ukraine, Bosnia and other Mission Without Borders field countries have small parcels of arable land (side yard). Last year, Mission Without Borders inaugurated the Seeds of Hope campaign in Bosnia. Families enrolled in the Family-to-Family program were provided with top quality seeds and tools to work their garden.

This test project proved to be a tremendous success- “every family was successful in reaping a great crop!” (Focus News,Feb 2011)
In this “war on poverty” it is important to build capacity for self-sufficiency. Mission Without Borders believes in upholding the dignity of those it seeks to help. Providing the needy with a way to work for their daily bread (when possible) is both biblical and healthy.
“The vegetables provided such a good yield that we had enough for the summer and autumn. We even have potatoes for the entire winter..this was an enormous help to our family.”
Mrs. Fejzic
“This means so much to us! Our entire family worked together in the field..We had sufficient food for the entire year. Please pass on our thanks to all those who contributed to this project!”
Snjezana KurtanovicThis year, Mission Without Borders want to expand the “Seeds of Hope” program to each of their field countries! $25 will purchase one box of a selection of superior grade seeds. Each country will choose the vegetables most suitable to their climate and tastes. The time to buy seeds is now so that when the weather warms up, the ground can be prepared and a crop planted.
Can you help? Donate today!
What a great mission to support local communities.
My favorite season is fall because of the awesome weather and beautiful colors.
When $25 will purchase one box of a selection of superior grade seeds and provide enough for the summer and autumn I would say that is a great investment.
Summer and autumn are my favorite seaons.
What a great mission and a way for those individuals to bond over their blessings. Seeds are provided and the individuals get the opportunity to fellowship while planting.
My favorite season is spring because of the nice weather and beautiful flowers
terrific mission and wonderful opportunity.
this is a terrific mission and a wonderful opportunity.
I love this project! And it is a teaching experience too. I would actually love to see this in the US as well. As a nation, we are moving farther away from self-sufficiency and farther into cheap, unhealthy fast-food as a way of life. How many children these days have planted a garden, or even like eating veggies?
Summer is my favorite time of year the weather is warm and it stays lighter longer.
What an empowering project.
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