Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Operation Christmas Love Albania

Operation Christmas Love Albania 2011 from MWBI on Vimeo.
Operation Christmas Love Albania 2011, Mission Without Borders, MWBI, MWB, Eastern Europe,OCL, related to IR article AL2012-02

 Mission Without Borders in Albania distributing these large parcels to needy families. MWB works with local churches assisting the truly needy who have nowhere else to turn.

This year, Mission Without Borders plans on distributing 30,000 parcels to needy families in Moldova, Ukraine, Romania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Albania and Bulgaria. These parcels contain rice, pasta, sugar, flour, tinned meat, biscuits, powdered milk, soup mix, bread and cooking oil- the necessities of physical life as well as Bibles and Christian literature-necessary for spiritual life.

$30 will distribute a large parcel of food and necessities for Christmas. Donations can be made by credit card at the U.S. website or by calling 1-800-245-9191 (ext 242). Other countries may contact their country office at the international website.

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