Thursday, August 30, 2018

Notes from Fflake:Albania Visit 2017

A memory from last years visit to one small village in Albania.  A very very cold day...

After lunch on Friday, we drove to the rural area of Fflake, just outside Durres. Fflake is a small village with a population of around 860. We were greeted by Mission Without Borders coordinator Arjana (Arriana?) who took us to meet the D family. This family had five children and were enrolled in the Family sponsorship program. Arjana had acquired a new warm coat for the mother (it was still very cold- we were all in the one room of the house that had a wood stove). 

You can help a family like this one in Albania!  Walk alongside them as they hear the gospel of Jesus Christ and move out of poverty into self sufficiency!  Click here to learn more!

The oldest daughter is almost finished with high school and wants to continue her education in Durres at university. I understood that MWB was going to be investing in her with a full scholarship. Most girls in rural areas stop education after high school (if they finish) and marry young. Unfortunately, this often perpetuates poverty. Mission Without Borders offers scholarships to promising students and invests heavily in education. 975 children throughout Eastern Europe received scholarships to study at university. All 530 children in the family sponsorship program in Albania were provided with school supplies "which helps reduce the rate of early school abandonment"(this was from the 2015 annual report).   You can help provide school supplies for needy children here.  

The family attends church regularly as do many of the families who are sponsored through MWB. As we concluded our visit, Arjana noted that there is a 1500 square meter side yard and wouldn't it be wonderful if they could get them enrolled in the Seeds of Hope program?
There was also a neighbor family whose children peeked out the windows. Wouldn't it be great to start to visit and get them enrolled in the family sponsorship program? It was inspiring because, even with all the work already being done, she was always looking to do more. To share the gospel and transform this rural area into a self sufficient, healthy community. (My pictures didn't turn out at all for this part of the visit-sorry!)

What part can you play?

I left wanting to do so much more. The kids peeking out of the windows just broke my heart. I had hoped to be able to sponsor an additional family but then came home (January 2017) to half the promised raise and hours cut at work..   Mission Without Borders has talented, hard working people working as coordinators throughout the poorest countries in Eastern Europe.  But they need partners who will pray and give generously so the work can continue, grow, and flourish.  Over 85% of every dollar given goes directly to the field- meeting the needs of children and families- moving families to self sufficiency through job and skills training and encouraging and helping children and young adults to stay in school and break the cycle of poverty.  The program works.  I am a witness to the changed lives I met in Moldova a few years ago and in Albania last year.

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