My first resolution for 2013 is to read through the Bible (again). I had some success with Prof. Grant Horner's program last year and I want to be more diligent this year (no more catching up every few weeks!). Consistency is the key. I am starting this resolution early so that I will have a few "makeup" days if life gets a little crazy next year. I purchased an ESV (English Standard Version) Journaling Bible online as my New Living Translation was in sorry shape. And I'll have space for notes and keeping track of what God is teaching me in 2013.

Secondly, I need to exercise more. Honestly, I am very lazy. There I said it. But laziness leads to lethargy, sluggishness, and constantly feeling tired. And added pounds. I am committed to working my way up to walking one hour a day- three days a week- by years end. In January I am going to map out 1 mile hikes on Google . This will probably be walking home part of the way each morning (rather than taking the connecting bus and being dropped off on my doorstep). Working my way up in 15 minute increments, I hope to get in better shape in 2013 (and have more energy)
Speaking of energy, I need to consume less and use more calories every day. According to Calorie Count, I have a lot of work to do. I did lose over 10 pounds this year but have been slacking lately. The "experts" say that according to my BMI, I need to lose about 46 more pounds. Which IS do-able. Losing 1-2 pounds a week is completely within safe limits. I am committed to losing 46 pounds this year and feeling better every day!
Finally, I want to better at consistent prayer. There are so many things, so many people to pray for daily that one could easily pray 24/7. I am committed to praying one hour a day. I'm not going to set myself up for failure by attempting one hour on Jan 1st. One of the pastors at my church has written an article on New Years resolutions which was helpful in this area. So I am starting small (5 minutes a day for week one). I have a copy of Face to Face (Scripture prayers). Adding 5 minutes a day each week, I should be able to consistently pray one hour a day by June.
Of course I plan on continuing to improve my finances (get out of debt). I didn't include it as a "resolution" as I'm already doing it actively and have accountability in this area. One way YOU could help me is by using any of my links when you shop on Amazon. I get a small commission on each sale and every little bit helps!
Are you planning on any New Years resolutions? What are they? Any suggestions for me in the above areas? I really want to hear from YOU! Leave a comment. I read each one.
Secondly, I need to exercise more. Honestly, I am very lazy. There I said it. But laziness leads to lethargy, sluggishness, and constantly feeling tired. And added pounds. I am committed to working my way up to walking one hour a day- three days a week- by years end. In January I am going to map out 1 mile hikes on Google . This will probably be walking home part of the way each morning (rather than taking the connecting bus and being dropped off on my doorstep). Working my way up in 15 minute increments, I hope to get in better shape in 2013 (and have more energy)
Speaking of energy, I need to consume less and use more calories every day. According to Calorie Count, I have a lot of work to do. I did lose over 10 pounds this year but have been slacking lately. The "experts" say that according to my BMI, I need to lose about 46 more pounds. Which IS do-able. Losing 1-2 pounds a week is completely within safe limits. I am committed to losing 46 pounds this year and feeling better every day!
Finally, I want to better at consistent prayer. There are so many things, so many people to pray for daily that one could easily pray 24/7. I am committed to praying one hour a day. I'm not going to set myself up for failure by attempting one hour on Jan 1st. One of the pastors at my church has written an article on New Years resolutions which was helpful in this area. So I am starting small (5 minutes a day for week one). I have a copy of Face to Face (Scripture prayers). Adding 5 minutes a day each week, I should be able to consistently pray one hour a day by June.
Of course I plan on continuing to improve my finances (get out of debt). I didn't include it as a "resolution" as I'm already doing it actively and have accountability in this area. One way YOU could help me is by using any of my links when you shop on Amazon. I get a small commission on each sale and every little bit helps!
Are you planning on any New Years resolutions? What are they? Any suggestions for me in the above areas? I really want to hear from YOU! Leave a comment. I read each one.
Seems like common sense people want to eat better, exercise more and pray. Evert year we make the same resolutions but never quite follow through. Honestly i don't have a resolution, and its not something you just going to do right after new years unless you slowly practice your way up. Im looking forward to structure myself waking up before kids do and spend quiet time in prayer.
yes to stop being lazy
I'm trying to eat healthier.
I have made a new years resolution to workout and get back to a better body for summer and quit smoking.
My resolutions were to drink more water and be more environmentally friendly :)
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