Monday, December 31, 2012

Operation Winter Rescue 2013 : A Story From Ukraine

  I love  cold winters but I also remember the winter of 1992 when I learned to hate the cold.  That winter was my first trip overseas.  Flying to Bulgaria, then riding in a bus overnight with a group of 40 missionaries to Brasov, Romania, was an adventure in itself.  We arrived and were bunked in a large dorm building that had housed factory workers in communist times.  It was large.  And cold.  There were ceramic gas heaters at the end of each room but they did little to stave off the ever present chill. I was cold for 2 weeks.

Flash forward to the present-- that trip taught me so much.  I know now how blessed I am.  I never take
a good heater for granted.  And I am so thankful for warmth- being able to turn up the thermostat and
sleep when I get off work.

I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.
 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give 
you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see 
you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of 
the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’

There are many though, because of the combination of poverty and extreme cold, aren't able to get
warm by simply coming inside.  Operation Winter Rescue is all about providing families in Eastern
Europe with warm clothes, warm, nutritious food, and needed supplies (wood, coal, etc) to stay warm
in the coldest part of the year.  This keeps kids healthy.  Healthy kids don't miss school.  Education is
one key in defeating poverty.  By providing warmth, another link on the chain of poverty is snapped.

Mission Without Borders mission statement is "Reaching people for Christ: helping thousands of
people out of poverty into a sustainable future"  Operation Winter Rescue is a key part of this mission.
Donations can be made online.  If you can't give right now, please remember these children and families
in your prayers this winter.

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Unknown said...

Thank you so much for bringing all of our attention to these people...we get so wrapped up in our own lives that we forget that as badly as we may have it, others have it so so much worse. My family and I have had a rough year...but we always donate and sponsor Jewish families in Russia...and we've gotten extra creative this year but still managed to do it ( job loss has made me extra but I'm proud of that!) Even if you only touch one person, and make them think enough to actually do something...or mention it to another who will do something... you've done something wonderful.. Thank you!

DVDgal75 said...

I'm thankful that there is help out there for these poor people.

Ashley N. said...

I'm thankful for having a roof over me and my kids head and food on the table.

Jenn Hiles said...

I am thankful for my daughter's health, that I have a job and for my family.

Christy Hall said...

I am thankful for a loving God, a great family, and the people who are able to go out into the world and help those who need it most.

Michelle Elizondo said...

I'm thankful for a home bed and food