Tomorrow is St. Nicholas Day! In the spirit of St. Nicholas, I wanted to share a post from Mission Without Borders on Facebook. A few days ago, a team in Ukraine began delivering 7,500 Christmas presents to needy children in Ukraine! Sponsors have the opportunity to send in a special gift that provides a Christmas gift for their child. ALL of the children in a sponsored home (Mission Without Borders supports the entire home- regardless of whether a child has an individual sponsor or not) receive Christmas gifts. These aren't X Boxes or Nintendo games. Typically, they include age appropriate hygiene items, games, warm gloves, a hat, and treats. A gift at Christmas to remind them that they are loved, they are not forgotten, and they are not alone!
In the spirit of St. Nicholas, go do something anonymously for someone today! Something simple would be to visit an Angel Tree and provide the funds to put Christmas dinner on the table of a poor family in your neighborhood! You could also give to help a struggling family survive this winter in Eastern Europe! They may never be able to thank you personally but I know they are grateful and many will be giving thanks and praying for you! Thanks.

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